You can't pour from an empty cup...
A realistic approach to making mamas nutrition & wellness priority during the early stages of motherhood, from pre pregnancy nutrition to postpartum care. If you want to show up as the best version of yourself each day for your little ones, it's important to prioritize your nutrition too mama! In this E-book you'll discover how to cultivate a nourished mama mindset, develop sustainable healthy habits to keep your nutrition a top priority as well as helpful resources and products for you and baby.
Included: Nourished Mama Ebook, Nourished Mama Workbook, Recipe guide: Nourishing Mama with 10 ingredients or less & Recipe Guide: Kid friendly snacks
A Sneak Peak:
Section 1: Nourished Mama Mindset
-Nourished mindset
-Realistic goal setting & your compelling reason why
Section 2: Nourished & Energized Mama
-Why nutrition needs to be a top priority & top 6 nutrition priorities for mama
-Understanding importance of each macronutrients + key sources for mamas
-My secret to staying energized all day
-5 key ways to support balanced blood sugar + a balanced day of eating
Section 3: Nourished Mama Meal Prep
-Top 6 meal prep tips for mamas
-Making meals "kid friendly"
-Favourite Costco find for mamas
Section 4: Nourished Pregnancy & Postpartum
-General nutrition recommendations
-Supporting mamas through each trimester and how to combat common challenges
-Key nutrients & supplementation + my favourite supplement brands
Section 5: The Fourth Trimester
-Link between nutrition & postpartum depression & support for managing postpartum anxiety
-Recovery support following delivery
-New mama nutrition: key foods & nutrients for recovery
-Eating healthy with little time & a little one
-Postpartum weight loss: 4 main focuses & 6 things to prioritize for weight-loss
-Understanding & honouring your cravings + use your cravings as a guide
-Nourished morning & night time routine
-Breast feeding: support for common challenges & foods to boost milk supply
-Support for common baby struggles: colic & constipation
-Favourite mama & baby products
-Health & wellness resources: supplement dispensary, mindset workbook + prenatal and postpartum exercise program
-Mama Love
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